The Top 6 Alkaline Foods for Your Everyday Meals

Most Americans have terrible diets. Not just terrible, but deadly. Just think of all the chemical-laden, fatty, fried, acid-forming foods that are commonly eaten in the United States. We live in a “fast…

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What is the Alkaline Diet?

An alkaline diet is a diet that focuses on alkaline-promoting foods, while reducing or avoiding acid-promoting foods. It is believed that following the alkaline diet will improve your overall health by balancing your…

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New Research Reveals Six Dietary Guidelines for Cancer Prevention

A new study offers some dietary guidelines for cancer prevention that will be quite familiar to those who follow the alkaline diet. According to Dr. Neal Barnard—the author of the study, president of…

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The Acid Versus Alkaline Diet

A lot of people eat foods that form acid in the body. Note that there is a difference between “acidic” foods and “acid forming” foods. They are not necessarily one and the same….

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Why the Alkaline Diet is Here to Stay

The thing about diets is that they seem to very frequently come and go. A lot of people ride the diet wave like a roller-coaster, hopping on whatever fad-diet comes along—often experiencing ups…

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